
Deciding Whether or Not to Sell Equipment

If a business owner is looking to sell manufacturing equipment or machinery, he/she needs to know three separate types of value that their assets could bring in the market – orderly liquidation value, forced liquidation value, and fair market value. The differences among these types of machinery and equipment asset valuations are dependent upon the situation of the business and the time frame in which the assets need to be liquidated. Recently, however, in certain markets there has been almost no difference between orderly liquidation value and fair market value due to sluggish market conditions.

Because there is such a large amount of equipment and machinery available in the market, buyers have more options than they normally would. Of course, there are other circumstances that determine the current value of equipment, such as in the case of custom machinery. And for that reason, potential sellers need to know what it’s all worth.

Some sellers, like those whose businesses are in dire circumstances, may be forced to sell and get the best price for the equipment as quickly as possible. However, for others who may not be in such a rush to sell, understanding the current types of equipment value can help them make better informed decisions about whether to sell now or not.

It is essential for business owners to know the value of their equipment, especially if they are looking to sell, so that they can receive the best possible price in the current market. Visit EquipNet’s Facility Closure Resource Center for more information.




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