Changes in the Aerospace and Defense, Telecommunication Industries, and How EquipNet Can Help

In the months leading up to the Coronavirus pandemic, it was expected that 2020 and beyond would provide some hopeful growth to help the Aerospace and Defense industry rebound from a less-than-ideal 2019. Last year, the defense side of the industry grew at successful rates, in part because security threats have become far more common, requiring governments to increase defense budgets. However, the commercial aerospace sector did not see similar growth, but was expected to improve back to its intended trajectory and make up for the negative growth. The stalled year likely had to do with production-related issues in certain aircraft models, as well as order backlogs and cancellations. However, the demand for commercial aircrafts was still there, giving experts hope that the rebound would help the industry.
As the pandemic developed, the Aerospace and Defense industry, particularly the commercial side of it, found itself incredibly impacted . While military projects create a need for what this industry has to offer, therefore making the defense side far more stable, the commercial side has taken a great hit that experts predict will take upwards of three years to bounce back from. Over the last decade, passenger traffic had steadily increased to new levels, but all of that growth was struck down with the onset of the pandemic, resulting in approximately a ninety percent drop in global air traffic. With the lack of commercial air travel, the backlog of aerospace equipment is expected to decline, simply because orders will be cancelled due to a lack of necessity. With all of these new developments and the general state of uncertainty, companies are looking for the best ways to limit spending and guard funds.
Now more than ever, Telecommunication companies find themselves intertwined with so many other industries. A prime example of one of these industries is the Aerospace and Defense industry, which often relies heavily on what the Telecommunication industry offers for a variety of reasons. 2020 has seen a major rollout of 5G networks, providing unparalleled connectivity on a variety of devices. This comes on the heels of an explosion of new streaming platforms that are demanding customers’ attention, a new demand for working-from-home, all wrapped up in the midst of the pandemic that has caused so many people to retreat into their homes, which suddenly became an office and the only source of recreation . These new developments in wireless and Internet connectivity will change the face of telecommunication, both for personal and professional use. It is an industry with many exciting opportunities to both discover and apply to existing procedures. And now, more than ever, the used equipment market for equipment used within these industries is in high demand for both buyers and sellers.
On November 5, 2020, EquipNet will be hosting an online auction of RF Testing Equipment, featuring a wide range of items, including Signal Generators, Spectrum Analyzers, Protocol Tests, and more from well-known manufacturers such as Rohde and Schwarz, LitePoint, and Keysight. In this unprecedented time, when businesses have had to adapt in countless ways, EquipNet can help those in need of test equipment, along with those looking to sell used test equipment in order to gain a capital return. While this auction is a great option to buy quality equipment, it is also an exciting opportunity to sell unused or idle assets. If assets are consigned into the auction, the company can rest assured that EquipNet will promote the equipment to the hundreds of bidders expected to take part. Not only does this help companies unload unneeded tools, but it also provides the chance to earn some extra money while giving other companies the opportunity to find items they may need. To register for the auction, click here. Have some equipment to consign into the auction? Contact EquipNet today at +1 (781) 821-3482 or [email protected].
Categorias: Asset Management , Electronics , Featured , Services
Tags: aerospace aerospace industry defense defense industry rf telecomm equipment telecommunication industry,