If you are in the household products or personal care goods industry this is a listing that will certainly peak your interest! EquipNet has partnered with Colgate Palmolive to liquidate some of the company’s surplus attests to ongoing operations.
Colgate Palmolive, the market leader in household products, is one of the largest global manufacturers of liquid soap detergent. Our client has instructed EquipNet to sell a variety of surplus assets from their facilities across the globe. Buyers now have the opportunity to purchase from any and all locations. We are delighted to take this opportunity to offer premium filling and packaging equipment for an excellent price.
The listing includes: SACMI, IKA, SFERE Emballages, Krones, Possimat, Ronchi, Tolke, APEX, and more!
If you would
like to arrange an inspection or have any questions, an EquipNet representative will be happy to speak with you. Please feel free to call us in the US toll free 888.371.6555, in the UK +44.118.901.6161, or in Latin America +52(81) 3849-3968/69. Click here for a complete list of telephone numbers for all of our locations. Or reach out via email [email protected].
Categorias: Consumer Packaged Goods
Tags: asset liquidation household products personal care surplus asset management used equipment,